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VIDEO art journal with me #1 πŸ₯€

hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe at home and healthy. Within the last weeks of being in a lockdown, I didn't feel creative at all. It was either the stress and anxiety from the major changes, or just the burnout and slump from finishing university. However, it has been a few weeks of rest and being rather lazy, and now I feel like I am ready to create again. So far I have been doing daily drawings on Instagram for a daily challenge for 30 days, and I will soon make a post about the journey of doing something for 30 days. In the meantime you can follow me on Instagram to see some more illustrations, drawing on paper and art journal inspiration. IG: printableartsunday Art journal with me ~ art journal ideas I have finally published my first art journal! Last year I was into bullet journaling, but I realized that I would rather use Google Calendar, and make art journal for thoughts and creative expression. I love how the spread turned out, especially the qu...

Sketchbook diary #2 Faces with oil pastels πŸ‘€

Hello lovelies! I am back this week to share another week of my drawings from sketchbook diary. This week I am sharing drawings with faces and using oil pastels. Drawing with pastels has created urge to play around with them and see if I can learn how to also combine them and create drawings that have more depth and character. However, unfortunately they seem to have come to an end and become very dry and hard to draw. It means I am in need to buy some new oil pastels.

Question for you: Have you ever finished pencils to the point where it's impossible to use them, or have you ever used up most of the oil pastels / crayons from the box? 

Honestly, when I think about it, I have only ever finished pens. I have a few pens that I absolutely love, and that are only and strictly used for drawing. I think almost all of my sketchbook drawing outlines are made with my special drawing pens. But when it comes to pencils or crayons, it seems that they last forever.

Sketchbook diary week 2. Faces with oil pastels.

Day 1: A poor attempt at plants.

I really like the idea of having a girl surrounded by flowers or plants. I also really like the rosy cheeks and pink lip. This makes me really want to draw this again and maybe even try a digital version.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 1.

Day 2:  Trying out hairstyles.

I am guilty of drawing the same thing over and over once I have learned how to draw something. In this spread I am experimenting with hairstyles, bringing a bit more color and even layering the colors.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 2.
Day 3: Experimenting with noses and eyebrows.

What I like about drawing the same thing is that you can experiment. For example, when it comes to faces, there are million ways to draw a face. Should the eyebrows be a line, or actually hairs? Or should one eyebrow be connected with a nose? These are things you can try out and see what you like. For the longest time I was drawing people with eyes closed just because it looked cute, and also because I didn't want to face the crazy looking eyes. But one can only learn by drawing it until it looks good.

I always remind myself that sketchbooks should be imperfect and filled with ugly drawings. Because when you let your perfectionism a bit loose, only then you get the creative juices flowing and not let the critic in you stop from drawing and trying out.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 3.

Day 4: Working on the expression of faces

Let's face it. Some faces look like they are either looking straight into your soul, or actually judging you.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 4.

Day 5: how to draw beards? I don't know.

The more I draw faces and shoulders, the more I think about getting to the goal of drawing a whole human. Honestly, thinking about hands makes me anxious. What is wrong with elbows, why do they look so weird? And also, the torso and legs and feet, it's just a mystery. However, I think if I actually watched a tutorial or used shapes as a base, it would not be that scary.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 5.

Day 6: Why do they all look high?

I should really work on the way I draw faces. I think they should show a bit more emotion. Maybe next challenge should be to draw emotions, such as sadness, anger, tired and happy.  I bet it is hard, because it is all about the details, such as corners of the mouth, the nose and the way eyes and eyebrows look.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 6.

Day 7: I guess I gave up.

I think sometimes when you really don't want to draw, you should not draw. I know that discipline and hard work conquers all, but sometimes the mindset is the most important. So I allow myself to not draw if I don't feel like. Dipping your toes in a slump once in a while is okay.

sketchbook diary. faces with oil pastels. drawing journey. day 7.

Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a lovey day x


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