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VIDEO art journal with me #1 πŸ₯€

hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe at home and healthy. Within the last weeks of being in a lockdown, I didn't feel creative at all. It was either the stress and anxiety from the major changes, or just the burnout and slump from finishing university. However, it has been a few weeks of rest and being rather lazy, and now I feel like I am ready to create again. So far I have been doing daily drawings on Instagram for a daily challenge for 30 days, and I will soon make a post about the journey of doing something for 30 days. In the meantime you can follow me on Instagram to see some more illustrations, drawing on paper and art journal inspiration. IG: printableartsunday Art journal with me ~ art journal ideas I have finally published my first art journal! Last year I was into bullet journaling, but I realized that I would rather use Google Calendar, and make art journal for thoughts and creative expression. I love how the spread turned out, especially the qu...

Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas 🌡

Bohemian inspired decorations are some of my favorite, as they incorporate stars and moons, combined with beautiful dark and bright colors. Today I want to share a collection of beautiful bohemian bedrooms that will spark some inspiration in you and hopefully give you some ideas how you can redecorate your bedroom.

Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas

To me, the first thing I think of when I hear bohemian, I always think of linen, plants, light furniture and frills. I feel like every room on bohemian style is so comfy and cosy!

Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideasv
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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 Some of the main boho inspired decor that I have noticed:

> lots of plants
> a tapestry on the walls
> different frames with pictures and artwork
> light / neutral bed spread
> palette beds
> open shelves
> light color furniture

Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Bohemian Bedroom Decor Ideas
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Thank you for visiting our blog! Have a lovely day,
Karli xx


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