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VIDEO art journal with me #1 πŸ₯€

hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe at home and healthy. Within the last weeks of being in a lockdown, I didn't feel creative at all. It was either the stress and anxiety from the major changes, or just the burnout and slump from finishing university. However, it has been a few weeks of rest and being rather lazy, and now I feel like I am ready to create again. So far I have been doing daily drawings on Instagram for a daily challenge for 30 days, and I will soon make a post about the journey of doing something for 30 days. In the meantime you can follow me on Instagram to see some more illustrations, drawing on paper and art journal inspiration. IG: printableartsunday Art journal with me ~ art journal ideas I have finally published my first art journal! Last year I was into bullet journaling, but I realized that I would rather use Google Calendar, and make art journal for thoughts and creative expression. I love how the spread turned out, especially the qu...

20 List Prompts For Art Journal πŸ“

Hi guys! If you have clicked on this blog post it means that you like to make lists. And we share that in common, because I love making lists. My daily life consists of to do lists, shopping lists, and mix that with bucket list and travel list. I honestly thrive with lists, so today I wanted to share over 15 list prompts for art journal.

What I love about art journals is the freedom of creating. There are no rules, so you can fill the space and free pages however you want. I like to mix mine with collages of dreams, feelings and thoughts, and mix it together with diary.

20 list prompts for art journal

Here is a list of 30 prompts for your next art journal spread. Get your pens, colorful pencils and watercolors ready, because I am about to sprinkle so much creativity on you! In case you make one of these and put on Instagram, make sure to add hashtag #artjournalsunday, so that I can give some love to your creations!

1 Favorite movies list. People always ask me what are some good movies, and I can't seem to remember any. Having an art journal of your favorite movies is a perfect way to keep track and make sure you never run out of ideas what to watch!

2. Favorite food and meal list. I created my food and meals list a while ago, because I do weekly meal planning and I felt like I had been eating the same thing for weeks. And it is great to have a place where I can go back and look at all the delish things I can make. If you feel extra creative, you can take the opportunity and try drawing some of the ingredients and recipes for fun and for some aesthetic. You can even make a zine or a small book on your favorite recipes to cook and eat!

3. Things to try list. Whether it is to try a new recipe, a new hobby or a new sport, it is a great opportunity to track all of your wishes and start crossing them off one by one. What are some things you have been wanting to try out? I am sure your Pinterest account is filled with things and inspiration to try out. 

4. Goals list. What are your goals this week, this month, this year? Take the time to look back at the three months of the 2020 (or just the last months of the year) and reconsider if you have been putting all effort into your goals.If you have been struggling with your goals, maybe try smaller and more achievable goals? Or maybe focusing on only one goal a month? That is something that I have tried out, and last year it helped me read 15 books and do yoga challenge. 

5. Make an inspiration list. What makes you inspired? It can include drawings of items, such as chocolate or radio, or maybe write down some favorite quotes, movies or songs. Having an inspiration list helps when you are feeling down and need to be reminded of the good things and how you can get back on track.

6. Books list. If you are a big reader, this is a must for you! As someone who has started reading a lot lately, I realized that I always forget the books I had read and the names of it. So I suggest to make a list of the book name, author, and maybe even a ranking. After every book I like to write a review and a small summary of what the book is about. Now I can refresh my memory when I need to.

7. Bucket list. I feel like everyone always talks about this, but bucket list is an amazing time to think about your dreams and figure out what are things you would like to do before a certain time or milestone in your life.

8. List of ways to relax. Self care baby, self care! This list is definitely a fun one, especially as it can be made in a visual way! A fun way to make this list would be creating small icons for every thing how you can relax, like a bathtub, a face mask, a good book, a TV show, a good meal! It really is up to you what you include in your relaxing routine of self care.

9. List of things you need to survive. We tend to grow with things a lot, but it is fun to imagine if you had to put your favorite and most needed items into one or a few suitcases. What would you need to survive? Or make it even more fun, one backpack! What couldn't you survive without?

If you like stationery, art journals and books, make sure to check out my videos on YouTube! :) 

10. Packing list. Every time when I go somewhere, I like to make a visual list of everything I bring. First of all, it is so much fun to make very small t shirts and socks. Also, it gives me an idea how to make my outfits! What do you pack for traveling? Maybe you could make a list of all the most essential items and always have a guide for every trip!

11. If I were a billionaire list. What would you do if you had enormous amounts of money? How would you spend your day? How would you spend the money? Dive deep into your imagination and creativity.

12. List of fictional places you wish you could visit. For this one I don't have to think much, because obviously the first place in mind is Hogwarts! What about picking out a few places and trying to draw one out? 

13. List of things to do when you are bored. This list will save you when you are feeling bored. To give you some inspiration for starting the list:

  • give yourself a manicure or pedicure,
  • take a bubble bath,
  • try out a new face mask
  • do yoga
  • write a poem
  • surprise- do journaling :D
  • take a nap
  • go for a walk
  • read a book
  • create a self love list
  • watch some Netflix
  • stretch
  • listen to music and dance in the living room
  • visit a museum
  • make a vision board
  • make a movie
14. Creativity list. What keeps your creative juices flowing? Is it looking at other artists work, or nature, or music, or daily life? Make a list of all the things that help you stay creative. This can be a great place to look back at when you are lacking inspiration.

15. List of book titles. If you like to write, come up with a list of cool and catchy titles for books you could write about. It doesn't have to be books, as it can be short stories or even poems. What topics could you write about?

16. Worry list. As a person who struggles with anxiety, I have a few worry lists where I write down anything that is making me anxious. Some experts say that you should plan time to worry and pour all of the worries inside you onto paper. This prevents the mind to poke you with worries at night when you are trying to sleep. Sometimes seeing the worries can help come up with a solution.

17. Favorite snacks list. What are your favorite items to snack on? For me its jalapeno chips, chocolate and soft chocolate cookies. Occasionally I like to eat oranges and carrots with hummus.

18. Dream home list. What would you like your dream house to look like? You can even try to attempt drawing a room, furniture or interior of your dream home. And if you feel like it, you can get creative and make a collage as a mood board for the home.

19. Favorite games list. What do you like to play? In this list you can include board games, video games, card games or mobile games. In my list I would say my favorite board game is Cluedo Rick and Morty edition, favorite video game is Stardew Valley, and some mobile games include PUBG, SIMS Mobile and interior decorating games. 

20. List of things in progress. I am sure that you have some projects that are in progress and are put aside for now. Why not make a list of things in progress and maybe it will help you finish some of them? 

PS. Save these pins with list prompt ideas on your computer or phone for later use! 


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