Doing art journaling is one of my favorite hobbies. I put on a cozy playlist, get on the floor in the living room on our fluffy carpet, and let my thoughts and emotions take over the empty spread in front of me. But sometimes I want to create something, yet nothing seems to come in my head. If today is one of the days for you as well, I want to help out with a list that I included tons of ideas for your next art journal spread!
I started doing art journals at the end of 2018 when I was feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and also down with a cold, I felt like making a collage to remind myself to take it easy. I took all the magazines I could find at home, gathered all washi tape I had, and just started. The next few days I spent on my carpet doing more and more spreads, and it was more for me as a way to get out any emotions. It was amazing. Later I started also making a traveling journal where I would write down my highlights of every place, food that I loved and keep for memories. And even after a year of doing art journals, sometimes I still need a bit of inspiration for new spreads.
No more looking at blank pages when you feel like creating something. Sometimes all you need is just a bit of an inspiration to get started! Take a cup of tea or coffee, put on some music, get all your favorite tape, colors and pens, and let's get started on art journaling!
1 bucket list
2 dream travel destinations
3 goals of the year
4 favorite memory from childhood
5 playlist of this month
6 create a map of your favorite place, either a real one or imaginary
7 doodle faces
8 make swatches
9 season vibes
10 your latest dreams
11 cloudy days
12 favorite objects
13 how does your favorite song makes you feel?
14 kitchen utensils
15 draw only with one color
16 favorite quote and drawing that goes with it
17 vision board
18 abstract art journal spread with triangles, squares and circles
19 go into nature and draw something inspired by it
20 love note
21 black and white
22 what are you grateful for?
23 animals
24 a collage from one magazine
25 draw one thing over and over and over
26 the moon & universe
27 draw what you have been eating all day
28 write down your favorite poem and illustrate it
29 collage with one main color
30 make color palettes
Which idea are you choosing today? The art journal ideas that I want to try out are:
- bucket list, because I have not made one for a while and I would like to make it and be active about it!
- playlist of this month, as I love to look back at the songs I was listening to!
- season vibes, because spring is slowly coming to Denmark and I could not be more excited about sun shining more than once a week!
- draw only with one color, as I have been keen on line art and this is a good way to practice!
- what I am grateful for, because this year has been super stressful and I keep forgetting what is most important in life!
- the moon and universe, on the nights when I see the stars and dream about how mystical and amazing it is that we live on this planet!
- collage with one main color, which I think could be fun to hunt a color palette in magazines and create something with it!
Thank you for visiting my blog! Wishing you creative vibes <3 Karli
some of my art journal spreads:
drawing random faces with a pen and oil pastels *my favorite media to draw with* |
one of my first spreads in winter 2018, all the things to do in winter |
a travel spread from when I was in Edinburgh visiting my best friend
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