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VIDEO art journal with me #1 πŸ₯€

hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe at home and healthy. Within the last weeks of being in a lockdown, I didn't feel creative at all. It was either the stress and anxiety from the major changes, or just the burnout and slump from finishing university. However, it has been a few weeks of rest and being rather lazy, and now I feel like I am ready to create again. So far I have been doing daily drawings on Instagram for a daily challenge for 30 days, and I will soon make a post about the journey of doing something for 30 days. In the meantime you can follow me on Instagram to see some more illustrations, drawing on paper and art journal inspiration. IG: printableartsunday Art journal with me ~ art journal ideas I have finally published my first art journal! Last year I was into bullet journaling, but I realized that I would rather use Google Calendar, and make art journal for thoughts and creative expression. I love how the spread turned out, especially the qu...

A week of food drawings using oil pastels ~ SKETCHBOOK DIARY #1 πŸ₯‘

Hey guys! Today I am starting a new series which is all about tracking the progress of my drawing skills. I only started drawing more and more about two years ago, and I started from scratch. Now over the two years I have learned a few things, and I decided to start keeping a sketchbook diary so that you can get some inspiration for drawing, and get inspired to draw as well.

A week of food drawings using oil pastels

The first week is all about drawing food using oil pastels. It was a blast drawing fruits and veggies for the whole week and filling my sketchbook with a bit of color. Since I really like to use only a blue gel pen to draw, it was a nice change to implement some color and use oil pastels for the challenge. 

One thing that I find hard is to layer the pastels on top of each other. I was using PENTEL OIL PASTEL 50 COLOR set, and these are the only oil pastels I have been using. I would have liked even more color so that I can make better gradients, but it still worked out fine.

MONDAY: Pink and purple vegetables. Some of them are quite a fail, but I will try to embrace both the pretty and the ugly drawings in my sketchbook diary. By looking close up I should definitely do these pages again and be more precise with the coloring. I think I will try to do these veggies and fruits digitally and see how that goes! 

I don't want people to look at the perfect drawings and think it just is that easy to draw something. No, it takes a lot of practice. For example, it has taken me countless pages of drawing butts over and over and over again until I learned how to do it. It might take 10, 20 or 50 tries to draw something that you appreciate. What is important is to be kind to oneself and enjoy the learning process. 

TUESDAY: green veggies galore. To be honest drawing all these vegetables made my cravings for snacks skyrocket. This spread is one of my favorites, as I think I pretty much nailed the colors for the veg. Some of the best are avocado, celery and zucchini.

WEDNESDAY: red fruits. The rhubarb and radish look decent, however the cherries look like a fail. Also, note to self, use a soft pencil to draw out the lines so that they can't be seen that much!

THURSDAY: yellow squad. This spread looks very sloppy and I apologize. I guess the most acceptable is the yellow tomato.

FRIDAY: Orange I am in love. I am proud of that white speck on the orange that should have looked as it reflected light. Overall the spread is pretty decent, as I tried to mix the colors in all the veggies.

SATURDAY:  purples and violets and blues. I kind of mixed them all together. First of all, the plum looks so weird, I know. Is it bad or why is it so brown? the winner of the spread is definitely the beet.

SUNDAY:  On Sunday I didn't have that much time so I decided to draw just papaya. Funny how the only color mix is the seeds.

That is the end of the first sketchbook diary!  I hope you got some inspiration for either getting a snack, eating some more veggies or drawing them.


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